Trailer Twin Axle

Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked

Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked
Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked

Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked    Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked

The trailer has never let us down once and we have been to many circuits. The trailer is solid but could do with a lick of paint.

It does have hydraulic brakes that are not connected but wasn't working when we bought it but and it hasn't caused us any issues. It comes with a set of heavy duty ramps. Recently fitted with a new hitch. It has new tyres fitted.

3m 80cm length and 1m 77cm width. We travel round with a light board attached but this is not included as it not working properly now.

Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked    Car transporter trailer twin axle Unbraked